Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July goals.

Once a month, I am going to do a blog post about my goals. This month, I am challenging myself to run at least 46 miles. I am also challenging myself to take the little one to the library once a week. We went for the first time today and she loved it. I think that this will be an important part of her learning how to read. Since that is our summer goal, I think that this is something that we are going to do.

She is on Lesson 18 of 100. She is starting to really learn how to decode words, this has been a difficult thing for her, I don't know why, but it has been very challenging for her. So, now we are working on building the confidence that she is able to read.

I am also working on taking her in to see a developmental pediatrician. A year ago, she was diagnosed with anxiety and OCD and I want to make sure that nothing has been missed. We are going to try and get that into the works soon.

Goals recap (more so I can see them again :))
46 miles, up to Lesson 51. Woo!

Until next time,

Sunday, June 28, 2015

July is almost here!

The little one has mentioned that I am slacking off on her lessons (Yes we missed one day, no it should not have been the end of the world). So NOW we are doing reading and calendar 7 days a week. Then math and research projects Monday-Friday. We are getting ready to have a lot of time on our hands, since daddy is going back to work on Wednesday.

So on Wednesday, I will take little one on her first trip to the library. This week she has decided we are going to do research on seahorses. Maybe, we will even make a trip to the pool this week, who knows?


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer Reading Bootcamp!

Hello! In this blog post, I will be telling you all about the summer reading bootcamp that I am doing for my little one.

When we moved to Virginia, the little one told my husband and I that her goal for the summer was to learn how to read, but she was going to need a little help. SO I decided that we were going to do a reading lesson, math lesson and a research lesson everyday. This all only takes about an hour a day, we start with "circle time" it is a Lakeshore Learning Store activity that I have.
After this, we move into name tracing. I use Amazing Handwriting Worksheets to make all of her worksheets. After her name, we move into number ordering and recognition. We do this normally with the monster number cards that I found on pinterest. Here is what I do,
I spread all the cards on the floor, right now we are only completing 1-20. Then she finds all the  monsters by herself in order. She enjoys this a lot. After this we move to reading. I use Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Lessons. After reading we do research, right now we are researching the ocean, we read Rainbow Fish, and made rainbow fish out of tinfoil. 

When we started the summer, she could recognize all of her letters, count to 20 and only missed 5 letter sounds when asked. 

That's all for now!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Stained Glass Jars!

Here is my first crafty post woooo!

I know eveyone has seen the stained glass jars on Pinterest. I went to Michaels, and while looking for Mod Podge to stain my jars, I found THIS:
Tinted Mod Podge!
Whattt?! No guess work in mixing paint to tint the jars?! I am all in. SO I coated the inside of the jars I was going to use. The sat them upside down. I HAD TO USE A LOT OF THE MOD PODGE TO GET THE INSIDE OF THE JAR PAINTED.

THEN I let the jars sit upside down for an hour. After an hour, I covered a cookie sheet in foil, and put the jars on it. 
I put the jars open side up, in the oven on 275 for 45 minutes. 
When their time was up, I took them out, and let them cool. 

After the jars were cool, I had some bubbles in the bottom, I imagine there was too much paint. BUT my jars still look awesome. SO I filled them with glass marbles, and flowers. Here is my finished product:

I love them, I think they are perfect for what I wanted, and I am burning more candles to make more jars. 
Until next time!

Sunday, June 21, 2015


Hello all! I am making another quick post, I am making lots of hats and headbands, and possibly even some bows ;)

I have a Facebook page here! You can see some sneak peeks and stuff there!

Also, here is my actual Etsy shop page, Etsy!

Till next time!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

First Post!

Hello! My name is Jessica, and I am going to be writing this blog!
I am a mommy to a wonderful 4-year old, I have been married for 4 years, I teach, and we just recently moved to a new state!

My plan for this blog to to talk about my everyday life, being an avid pinterest-er, and everything that goes along with that!

So with this first short and sweet post, I bid you ado. :)
